These are furries who are usually barepawed `in character' - but
also enjoy going barefoot in `real life', not only indoors but also
outdoors when they like. If you fall into this category, feel free
to contact me (,
and give me some info on your character and yourself, where you live
in real life and where you can usually be met online. A character picture
would be nice too. I can then list you on this page too. Membership is
free and without any obligation (I won't sell your address to spammers
either!), you just should be a furry who really goes barepawed
- beginner or expert doesn't matter.
If you would like to refer to this page, feel free to use the
following GIF:
You can click on the picture to download it. Here is the text to
type in your HTML file where you like to insert the picture:
I will have to admit, though, that there are three times I wear shoes:
When diving, I wear the standard "dive boots." Of course, you are pretty
much out of the "walking" element then, in general. Second, when sailing,
I wear deck shoes. The soles of your feet just don't give traction on a
boat's deck. Finally, hiking, though I try to go barefoot as much as
Camstone Fox (www)
Greetings and felicitations. I am Camstone Fox, a male heterosexual
6'1" Celtic Red Anthropomorphic Fox. If you don't mind I'll tell you
about myself... I am a horsefur extraordinaire, having evented my
steeds at various competitions. As you can see, I am a barepawed
individual that wears covering only for protection (ever been stepped
on by a Draft Horse?) Anyway, I also enjoy resting by pine trees,
smelling the sweet air of nature, writing on my Palm PC, and otherwise
doing good deeds. I am a newbie on FurryMUCK as of the millennium, and
enjoy a good chat on ICQ or mIRC. I am a retired Navy fur, having vast
experience in weaponry and arms... that includes some weapons made in
my own forge. You will see well developed fox, older with hints of
gold in his fur.... wiser with than the kits who run around him - as
you close your eyes and imagine him over your shoulder. Camstone wears
a forest green Alpine hat, with a blue feather in the brim, and a
matching green felt vest with Scottish tartan lining. A thick tan
belt surrounds his waist on which is carried a Claymore (Celtic
sword), a Sgian Dubh (Celtic dagger) with a bloodstone in the hilt,
and a leather pouch. He will often rest with eyes closed and muscles
relaxed, but is listening well. When his Scottish ancestry is called
into question, he dons a kilt and prepares to do serious harm... but
enjoys a good Scottish joke whenever he hears one.
Online on: ICQ: 60091838
Furry code:
Celtic Red Fox]adfmrw A+ C- D H+ M P++++ R+ T++ W Z Sm RLCT/E/GP/MA/S
a+ cnuv++ d e++++ f++ h+++ iw+++ j++ p++$ sm*
Jink (www)
In character:
Jink is a shapeshifter. That alone is not information enough?
Alright, then.
She is of Abodean origin, being one of the last alive elves there, who
had to flee from that world, to evade the humans' ambition to conduct
`research' on her (meaning: cutting her up and seeing what makes her
tick!!). She ended up on a much friendlier world, where no one has any
ambition like that, and there also practised her shapeshifting, which
mostly makes her change into furry morphs. She goes barefoot all the
time, and mostly sky-clad, too. Even in colder weather, she trusts her
inherit elfin magic to protect her, rather than clothing or shoes.
Online on: Sociopolitical
Ramifications and FurryMUCK, as Mbokala on
The Lion King MUCK and
as Werevu on Realm of Magic
and Addict MUD.
Out of character:
Jink's player, born Feb. 11, 1967, is currently busy with (hopefully
soon) finishing his studies of English and Social Sciences (mixed
subject of Sociology, Poltics and Economy) in Duisburg, Germany.
His in-character persona of Jink and himself have two things in common:
the walking barefoot (anywhere and anytime, as soon as temperatures are
above 5C/41F) and the being nude (although that cannot be done anywhere,
really, due to those social taboos concerning public nudity. :)) Other
interests include: roaming the 'net, looking for kindred spirits, taking
walks in the forest (few though there is here), naturism in general -
especially in summer: nude swimming and sunbathing (the latter only in
small portions...), the movies, hanging out with friendly people, and -
of course - enjoying furry material on the net and in several
comics/books as well as enjoying getting to know furries via the net or
in person (as done on unciFurence, EF2, SylFur96/97 and - to be done
still - EF3).
Kain Firewolf
In character:
My anthro is Kain Firewolf, 16 years old, 5'8" (1727 mm) tall, basically normal
gray wolf besides the fact that my ears, tail and paws go from gray to yellow to
orange to red like flames. I wear just baggy pants, no shirt or shoes unless
there is snow which is odd because I'm a wolf, but the snow I cannot stand. My
pads are strong only because I'm always on hard ground. Drugs, alcohol and
smoking are evil and disgusting. I love to swim and recently I've discovered
that I am a true Pyro, obviously that would mean that I have the Power of Fire,
so because I just recently found out I can only to a few things, this compensates
for my hate for snow, unless it gets so cold I can't do anything about it.
Out of character:
I'm Kory Dondzila, born 1989, 5'8" (1727 mm) tall, Canton, MI. I can't walk
barepawed in school, but when I do I'm at home and walking in my drive-way,
which is rocks, to get the mail, and because I always do this my hindpaws have
really great pads and sharp things are barely noticed, and I really hate winter
because of the snow, but I'll try to get used to it whenever it snows or is
cold. I can't draw so that is why there is no pic. I never have and never will
do drugs, drink (this includes wine), or smoke because that is truely disgusting.
I hate seeing people with a lot of hair on their bodies, not including head hair,
because it's also disgusting and I'm a swimmer so, I usually don't have much
hair, but it's not that I cut/shave it, it's because I just don't get any on
my arms, legs, chest, and back, and my normal hair takes forever to grow after
it reaches like 4 inches (102 mm) or so. I also like fire, just like my anthro.
Kieran Olafsson
In character:
Kieran is similar to a hawk-like human; beak, scales, feathers, claws, etc.
He is the adventurous type, although he rarely has the ambition to get out
places. By his twentieth year he was acclaimed in his town for his
philosophy and his story-telling, and now, nearly thirty years old, he has
set off to the world to gain the experience he needs to have lived the full
life he boasts of so often in his stories. In his land, the Gilen Kyrmiuraa,
it is cold only once in the year, and so there is no real reason for boots
except for old age; Kieran has worn sandals once and they left a sour taste
in his mouth - and on his feet.
Out of character:
He who can be described as Kieran is actually your average guy in the midwest
United States. He never used to go barefoot, but one day he suddenly did and
it felt great, and so now the concept of being barefoot has suddenly become a
symbol in his mind for the onward progression of life. Perhaps he doesn't go
barefoot a lot, but he doesn't like it when he isn't barefoot, and so that's
sort of justified.
Kiffin Softpaw (www)
In character:
My name is Kiffin Softpaw. I'm quite a playfull bunny. I was born with an
unusualy long tail and very short ears. I was made fun of quite a lot in
my early years. But now I have ears down to my waist and a very long very
bushy tail. I am 5'9" (1.75 m). I have grown to love paws and enjoy
getting them dirty, hiking and sword fighting one the beach. Or... just
watching the sunset.
Out of character:
I was born in 1980 and currently reside in southern CA. I live near the
beach and love going for barepawed walks in the sand and water. The only
art by Kiffin Softpaw
Killy the fox (www)
In character:
Mostly known as Killy the fox (also referred to as Eevee or Vaporeon
for the Pokemon lovers), though some still refer to him as Killachu;
Killy has been living with his lovely b/f and fellow friends in a huge
mansion where it never really is dull. Killy mostly spends his time
drawing, going on adventure or enjoy (hind) paws to the fullest!
Hindpaws are a part of life which comes in its smallest forms as well
as its big desires.
Online on: AIM: footedpjfox,
ICQ: 143939685,
Yahoo: eevspaws
Out of character:
21 years old, living in the Netherlands (Holland) and enjoys barepawed
walking. Though mostly around the house at most I tend to go out more
whenever I get the chance. My love for human feet is as big as furry paws
which he isn't afraid to tell if comfortable. Me and my b/f share the same
passion ^_^
art by Killy the fox
In character:
I'm a 21 year old, female folf. Usually I'm noticed
hugging my huge grey tail with my extra big paws. *wipes her purple
mohawk out of her face* I need a hair cut. I live in a small hole in
a huge tree. I never wear shoes, through snow, rain, heat, twigs, i go
bare pawed. I have a kit named Angel who suprisingly isn't even part
folf, she is a Skunny (skunk bunny). Most of my days are spent lounging
around in the sun on a soft grassy hill while Angel chases butterflies.
Online on: Furtopia
forums as Mazz, Wuffpaws forums
as Mazz.
Out of character:
I'm still a 21 year old female, and I do have
a daughter, and yes her name is Angel. I spend most my days playing with Angel
outside or drawing.
When indoors i never wear shoes. when i go out inthe
yard or for short walks i go bare pawed depending on turane. We have a
lots of broken glass around so I usually wear shoes when walking far.
I only wear shoes when forced and the minute I get
into a house or sit down at a table in a restaurant the shoes come off.
art by Mazz
Mbala (www)
In character:
For a non-cheetah are all these cheetahs alike. Mbala is standing on
all four paws, he has black spots, typical tear-lines on his face and a
long fluffy tail with three black stripes at the end.
Cheetahs will notice that Mbala's fur is slightly lighter,
making the spots look even darker than they really are. He isn't too big
cheetah, but still he looks rather strong and fast. If you want, you can
ask him for a little race - you'll make him very happy.
Online on: Furscape,
Ramifications, FurryMUCK,
The Lion King MUCK and
African Tails MUCK.
Out of character:
Mbala's player, born 22 August 1978, studies computer science on Faculty
of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague. During summer he's
barefoot all the time... He's not too experienced a barefooter, though -
this is his second barefoot summer.
art by Mbala
Moutos Woofidis
In character:
Lots of pants, tailwags and licks to everyfur! I am a Saint Bernard Cano
Sapiens, plantigrade, short-haired variety, 2,16 m (7'01") tall (normal!),
and the colour of my fur is made of different levels of blue rather than
the common black, tan and white. As with many furs, I also wear nothing
on my paws (which are quite big anyway - Saint Bernard, what did you
expect! ^_^), and my normal clothing is light too: a pair of shorts and a
T-Shirt. Besides my skin is thick, so cold wheather is no problem (but
hot is! :OP) One thing I really adore about paws is that they give
excellent chest rubs!! Murrrrrrrrrrrr! *^_^*
I have *stunning* emotions towards furries, which are directly related to
my emotions towards animals. Thus, every single one of my furry contacts
is guaranteed to receive the best paws-sible attention, with a lot of
laughter and mischief! ^_^ Not that I can not elaborate on more serious
matters. I am also furiendly to those nice humans who are not convinced
that furries are freaks! Being aware of many things that go on inside the
mind of a furry, I feel capable of contributing well to the culture.
Out of character:
I was borded... ;O) I mean born in Greece (South Eastern Europe) in June
1972, where I still live, and work as a programmer. I came across furries
at the University through the Net, but kept a generally low profile for
some years due to other priorities (hy00man world... :OP). Now (2003)
it's my time to get more actively involved.
I have been a paw addict since primary school(!) and the way this addiction
appeared is a bit unusual! But I *do* love chest rubs by paws in my
hy00man form too!! Incidentally, when a hy00man, I ... shrink to a 1,65 m
(5'5") figure, which deters other hy00mans from using excuses such as "no
animals are allowed in the shop!" ;O)
As far as barefoot habits go, I tend to keep them for the home and the
beach. Out in the street I tend to wear sandals in warm/hot weather,
otherwise I have to make do with shoes, not really something I like...
:OP I will go and live away from the cement some day, which will give me
a good excuse to wear footwear less frequently! ^_^
Furry code:
FC[Saint Bernard]h3a A- C- D H+ M- P+ R+ T+++ W-- Z Sm- RLCT a31 ca++$ d- e++ f h- i+ j p- sm-
Nightswift 'Swifty' Renard
In character:
You run into them just everywhere. You can get a dozen for a
dime. And just to keep the score high, Nightswift is another
average arctic fox. Snowy white fur, black ears and tailtip,
crystal blue eyes, and six feet tall in his anthro form. He seems
to have some kitsune streaks and is able to shift within very
close limits, but can neither change sex nor species. However,
occasionally you'll meet him in his non-morphic form, or with a
nice pair of bat-like wings, or anything else.
He's a playful foxy. Very shy, often a bit silly, spontaneous,
sometimes quite cynical or sarcastic, but always with a good
sense of humour. Born in late november 97, he finally found
refuge at SPR, but can be met on almost any big MUCK, sometimes
hiding beneath the name Sparx.
Online on: Almost any big MUCK, especially
Sociopolitical Ramifications and
FurryMUCK, as NightSwift,
Sparx, Ronny, Atlan and a couple more.
Out of character:
OOC? You are talking about this weird MUCK called 'Real Life'?
Yes, Nightswift has a character there, too, created on March 10th, 1978,
in Dresden/Germany.
He's a versatile furry. A coder, hobby chemist, physician and
electronician. He's collecting fossils and minerals, reading a
lot, and he's trying his paws on art and poetry. Always knowing
there was something missing in his life, he hopelessly fell for
Furry just two days after getting his net account and running
into the FurryMUCK homepage by fortuity. Adopting furry lifestyle
more and more, he's now a non-smoker, anti-alcoholic, half-
vegetarian, and started walking barepawed in late february 1998.
Enjoying the daily walks with his dog and the occasional hikes
with friends. Only brute force, chilling cold or injuries can
force him to wear shoes ever again.
art by NightSwift
In character:
(The following is translated from numerous churbles and churmurblings..)
"Greetings, my name is Ob. I'm an aquatic skiltaire. I'm 8 years old and
am around 2' 6" (762 mm) in height. I am unclothed and barepawed and like
playing by the creek, or swimming in the river. I have a coat of shiny
silver fur and a blue streak that runs from the back of my head to the
tip of my tail. My pawpads are pinkish in color and I groom my pawfur
all the time. I love cuddling with fluffy furs (and not fluffy ones too!)
and enjoy long snugglings."
Online on: Furscape
Out of character:
(The following is translated from various senseless garbles and
"Hello, my name is Conan. I'm a highschool graduate currently
unemployed. I'm 18 years old and don't know my own height. I'm
(usually) clothed and sometimes barepawed (especially on cool summer days
where it's not too hot outside). I started barepawing today and I also
have a blue tail that I wear (hopefully in public soon). My world consists
of Furscape, sitting in front of the computer for no reason at all,
playing with my cat Blarb, being kneaded by my cat Blarb, drawing,
playing Diablo 2 and Starcraft, making feline noises, mimicing my cat
Blarb, play 'cuddles and stares' with him, eating, sleeping ... bugging
unci .... etc."
In character:
I'm pawz, or the pawzle kitty, the pawz li0n, or just "hey you" if you're
on those sort of terms with me :") My furlink info on yiffnet probably
describes me fairly well...
"in the long autumn savannah grass you see a young african lion. Brownish
gold fur with a hint of red, his underfur a pale yellow, he pads toward
on near-white paws, until you notice faint silver streaks across his
*puurr* "hello, nice to meet you" he says respectfully, extending an offer
to philosophise or play some music together."
Online on: FurNet.
Out of character:
i really go bare-pawed in real life. i always guessed it was a furry thing
to do, but i didnt realise it to the extent that there was a web page
devoted to it ! :")
I guess I work out to be around about 3 years old, in lion years that is
;") and i'm twenty in real life (whatever that is) I'm happily mated to a
special tiger (he knows who he is), and I enjoy many fine friendships
through the furry community. I am thoroughly leonine in real life, from my
starsign to my appearance and personality, and always have been, so it was
wonderful when I was able to put a name to all the nameless things I felt
and call myself a fur. There's a special lion were to thank for
me to the community (he knows who he is too I hope), and I hope I never
loose touch with any of you, both in real life and the net.
art by Dandy
Pentrath (www)
In character:
Pentrath is your typical Snow Leopard.. well almost typical, he is 6'5"!
Which is HUGE for a snow meow. Reason is, when he was a young cub his
sister was being bullied by an evil wizard, and Pen didn't like that too
much.. so he went for the wizard. The gift for his troubles, a permanent
enlargement. :( Pentrath is physically about 22 years old (due to the
spell from the wiz) but emotionally and actually, he is between 14 and 18,
but as far as he is concerned he is a cub that needs lots of hugs and
curling in warm laps and having a cat nap. Pen has one hate.. shoes, he
can't stand them, he will remove them off his close friends.
Reason is, well.. they remind him of humans, and the fact he is so big,
all the teasing that came with. In his opinion.. shoes are for humans..
and humans suck.
Online on: Furscape and
Out of character:
Pentrath's player is your typical University student, except he has big
feet.. about 13 (UK Size..) So it's a real uphill battle finding shoes
for him. Especially in Zimbabwe (where he comes from.) So he walks around
barefoot. Otherwise Pen's player is actually not much like Pen at all.
He is a lot more serious, and he would never dream of curling up in
someone's lap.. or would he..? ;) Other things Pen's player does is
poetry.. you can see it
Red Firefox Jr
In character:
I'm a Firefox. My Fur is red an my eye's are blue. Yes, my footpaws are bare
and that's the way they'll stay. I love sword play and am up to a challange at
it. Oh My my is Red firefox jr. I love to walk in the forests feeling the grass
and dirt under my bare footpaws.
Out of character:
Hi I'm Josh, I live in Las Vegas and I love it. It's usually not that cold out
here, so I do go barepawed except in stores and at work. I'm 22 and yes I really
do have a footpaw fetish. My character is found on Furcadia on the adult site,
so if you like talk to me and you are on there, just whisper to me.
art by Shawntae Howard
Rockwolf (www)
In character:
Rockwolf is an anthropomorphic wolf, not much extraordinary about him.
About 6 foot (180 cm) tall, dark grey fur, yellow eyes. His mane is a
little longer than most, though. Probably from too much headbanging. :) Of
course, he does not wear shoes, and no clothes either. He does carry an
old worn satchel though, containing his towel and hitch-hiker's guide to
the galaxy.
Online on: FurNet, Sociopolitical Ramifications and FurryMUCK.
Out of character:
Well, not much to say here.. Rockwolf's player was born in 1979, and is
yet another poor student. He's been working with computers since he was 5
years old, and lives on monitor radiation and caffeine. :) When he does
get out of his underground den in the summer he prefers walking barefoot.
(AKA: Munashii no Shouhei)
In character:
I am a male Void Nogitsuné which stands
at 6'1" (1854 mm) and has an average build. My usual form is
anthro but my real shape is quadruped. I look like an
average fox with red-orange fur except for my three
tails, collar, spiked wristbands and silver glasses.
My left eye colour is blood-red and the right eye is
greyish-white (blind). I also have black hair when in
anthro form and age is unknown but somewhere between
Online on:
Leviathan MUD (Server:, Port: 1691) as SalemFuchs, FurryMUCK as SalemFuchs,
Tapestries MUCK
as Salem-Fuchs, AIM/AOL as AESpresident87 (or
SalemFuchs), Yahoo as
SalemFuchs, ICQ as 232532621, Hotmail as or my phone: +1 (813) 885-1896.
Out of character:
I'm a hispanic guy (with some asian
and Nicaragüan characteristics because of bloodline
mix) with silver glasses, sometimes wearing a collar
and a fox tail, living in Tampa, Florida. My hair
and eyes are a very dark brown
(almost black) colour. My skin is a light golden-brown
colour. I stand at about 5'7" (1702 mm) (last time I checked if
I remember correctly), have an average build and was born in
1987 (31/Jan).
art by Salem
Scout (www)
In character:
Scout James Arthur Teal McIntyger, a fur of no particular species, was
born on a train, delivered by a little Boy Scout whose name his mother
never learned. Out of gratitude, she named her son "Scout". James and
Trudy McIntyger were a young couple just starting a contracting business,
when they ran afoul of organized crime. Not trusting the authorities to
keep them safe, they went into hiding: James hiding among friends and
associates, and Trudy taking their son Scout into the wilderness to live
as fauves (wild people). A fire separated Scout and Trudy when Scout was
5, with each thinking the other was dead. Trudy went back to Jim, having
straightened the trouble out, and the two of them mourned their lost
child, and went on to build their family anew, starting with Heather
"Taffy" McIntyger, and four other children. (NB -- I am actually much
more often online as Taffy than as Scout these days). Scout was brought
up by an otter boy named Dennis until Scout was 15 and Dennis was 18, at
which time Dennis drowned in a flood. Scout was taken in by a rich
hedonistic vixen named Judith Broadfield, a millionaire heiress, and
trained as her chauffeur. She was part of a small cliche of rich furs
keeping fauves as "pets", and mating them at wild, orgiastic parties.
Scout was close to Judith but left her at age 20 when he learned she had
aborted his child as a needless "complication". Setting off on his own,
he is now studying at Salmon Hat Univerity, in Columberta, unaware that
his mother is alive, and he has a whole family out there somewhere...
Online on: FurryMUCK,
Ramifications and Tapestries (as Scout and Taffy); also as Islington,
Clyde, Spot and Snowy on various MUCKs.
Out of character:
Scout's player was born in Canada on April 10, 1968, in Halifax, Nova
Scotia. With a degree in English from the University of Toronto, and
having studied animation at Sheridan College, he now pursues a career in
the animation field in both classical and computer media. An amateur
writer and artist since childhood, drawing
Sly Phox
In character:
Hello. I'm Sly Phox, I'm a 5'6" (1.676 m) 13-year-old grey husky with
digitigrade dog-like footpaws, a long grey tail with a white tip, paw-like
hands. I have a white belly, muzzle and throat.
Out of character:
I'm a little much the same out of character, except for having grey and white
fur. I'm 5'6" (1.676 m) and I'm a male. I live in Florida and I have been
barepawed for a long time cause I never were shoes unless I have to (ex. school,
stores), but other than those places I never wear shoes.
In character:
A female Arctic Wolf with green eyes,
not anthropomorphic, just normal-looking, with a pink
hoop earring in one ear. Sometimes though, a female
cheetah, also not anthropomorphic, with blue eyes.
Online on: FurryMUCK,
Sociopolitical Ramifications,
AIM (annabelle4226),
Yahoo (foxwolf_3 or
ICQ: 130655281.
Out of character:
Female with short brown hair, blue
eyes and glasses. I live in Huntsville, AL and attend
Grissom High. I am a therianthrope, my were sides are
the same as my furry sides, so I'm never really "out
of character". My favorite foods are pizza and oreos
and I love plushies and anime. I always walk
barepawed, except for in stores and stuff, because
it's sooo hard to walk digitigrade in shoes!
Furry code:
FCW[Arctic Wolf]p6ads/FH6a A+ C D+ H+++ M++ P+++ R T+++ W Z Sf RLLW/VM a? cal+++ !d e* f+++ h+ i++ j++ p++ sf#
Sonique (www)
In character:
Sonique is a Snow Leopard! Now anyway. She used to be a Vixen long ago
before she got @snowmeowed by her mate on SPR. Silly story really.
Her story of how she came to be where she is now, is a short one.
Basically, when she was 10 years old, and an odd looking albino vixen, her
village up beyond the treeline got burnt down by who? She doesn't know.
With her village gone, she has no reason to stay there anymore. It wasn't
hard for her to leave considering she was mainly an outcast there due to
her white fur. She wondered around, mainly south by southeast, exploring.
She met just a few other villages on the way, being unlucky to have really
found much intelligent life, before she ran into SPR.. 10 years later, at
the age of 20. To begin with, she spoke perfect english, not knowing
about slang until she met quite a few people on SPR. She is now
corrupted! And my personal furry. ;>
Online on: Sociopolitical
Ramifications, FluffMuck and
Out of character:
Yes, Sonique is close to my real
name, it is no coincidence. I was born in Northern Ontario in 1978
still living in Northern Ontario, but hoping to move elsewhere to study
Classical and Computer animation, possibly at Sheridan, but possibly
somewhere else too. I am a commissioned furry artist, and a still
learning artist. I specialize in animals of all kinds and always have
been. If you want to see my art, please visit my site at, and I welcome any comments,
or suggestions, good or bad about my art. I mostly go around barepawed,
except in the coldcold Canadian winters...
art by Sonique
In character:
Soulfire is a folf (fox/wolf), and a reflection of different aspects of my own
personality...He is my personal fur and looks basically the same as I do, 5'11"
(1.8 m), 150 lbs (68 kg), with a lean and lightly muscular build. Well, he has
more fur than I do, and those nice ears and a tail...But that's nitpicking. Has
never been spotted with footwear.
Online: You can find him on FurryMUCK, very rarely.
Out of character:
Like the character, less fur, etc ... I had no idea there were others who went
barefoot often, much less other furs who did so. It's a pleasant surprise as
well! Currently in college, I've started to gain a little of a reputation for
going to class with in a kimono or martial arts uniform, using a walking stick,
and wearing no shoes, even up to the point of just above freezing weather. And
I've built up some pads too, having to dodge so much glass and stuff ... College
students are messy. I'm currently in central Illinois, at the University of
Illinois, C-U. My views on the societal issues involving bare paws are that
people are far too uptight about the body ... I'm very comfortable about nudity,
etc, and never like to coop myself up in tight, restrictive clothing or
footwear. I'd consider myself an expert in the freepaws sense, as I've jogged
through deep forest barefoot on more than one occation, and beestings on my feet
don't even bother me much anymore.
Spiritwolf (www)
In character:
Before you stands a 6'2 male anthropomorphic Wolf. From the looks he seems like
a gentle furson almost in his twenties. One of the first things that you notice
about him is that he is scanning the area for any furs that might need help. His
large fluffy ears jut from his head and twist in the direction of noise. His ears
are always sticking up with tufts of fur poking from them. He has muzzle length
pillbox-red hair which he occasionally sweeps to one side, out of his eyes. His
baby blue eyes sparkle from the light in the room. He has many sharp fangs in his
mouth. As you examine his body you see that he is well built but not buff like
most others. His arms make it look like he can at least lift over two hundred
pounds. As you look at his fur coat you notice that he is almost completely
covered in grey from head to toe. His top part of his chest starts with some
white fur that stretches down past his stomach to his groin area. He is currently
wearing an ankle-length leather coat over a black two piece suit, which he keeps
immaculately clean. Over his shoulder is his document bag, a light brown shade of
leather. The collar on his coat is quite large, not the same as his more casual
leather coat which has a much smaller collar. Although Spirit is in full formal
dress his footpaws are still bare of course. He smiles and nods to you when he
sees you looking.
Furry code:
FCWw3admrsw A+ C- D+ H+++ M++++ P+++ R+ T+++ W>++++ Z Sm+++ RLU a- cbdln+++
d--- e->+++ f++++ h*>++ iwf+++ j+ p sm--
Online on:
Hindsight MUCK (Spiritwolf),
Furscape MUCK (Spiritwolf),
Yahoo! messenger (spiritchasergreywulf),
ICQ (213399037),
MSN Messenger ( and
AIM (spiritchasergw).
Out of character:
Hya! I am a human male from the UK whose main interests are sketching, walking BP,
HTML, running my MUCK and being on others, poetry and helping other furs. I have
several websites (most of which REALLY need updating) and I spend a lot of my time
working on those or my MUCK. I go BP wherever I can.
Squibb Squirrel (www)
In character:
Squibb Squirrel is a 1.85m tall anthropomorphic eurasian red squirrel with
brown eyes, ear tufts and the typical fluffy tail. He mostly wears a shirt
and blue dungarees. Shoes? Oh no! Rodents have distinctive toes with claws
to climb, no shoes would fit with these footpaws. But Squibb would walk
bare-pawed anyway, because he likes touching the environment with his hands
and feet. Squibb is a furry artist and lives in a world very similar to ours.
Online on: FurNet #wolfsrudel,
ICQ 101790403.
Out of character:
Robert Korschofski, born on December 7th, 1971 in Berlin, Germany. At the
age of twelve something in me started becoming furry. At the same time I
began doing furry artwork where my characters usually walk bare-pawed. I
think this is more realistic, and footpaws are cute somehow. So don't
hide these! In 1997 I discovered the so-called furry fandom. And I noticed
that many of these people like being bare-pawed! And well... really,
Squibb's character is absolutely me!
art by Squibb Squirrel
In character:
A noble and wise cheetah. A true leader.
Out of character:
About the same, except human. You can see me roaming the pasture at home in Appinuse county, IA. Barepawed, of course.
In character:
Taiho is a 6'2" tall, bipedal, digitigrade morph, his genetics are
approximately 1/2 wolf, 1/4 St. Bernard, 1/4 English Bulldog (with a
little bit of rottweiler in the mix somewhere). His fur is mostly
reddish-brown with occasional white patches, but his belly is solid
white. He writes songs, HTML, poetry, and short stories. He
attends college and is working toward a mathematics degree, but
that is just something to do to pass the time until he can make up
his mind whether or not to go into aeronautical engineering. He
works in the radio industry, as part of a broadcast network that
includes four different radio stations. He never trusts anyone at
first impression, and his emotions seem very withdrawn at first, but
if anyone manages to earn his trust, they find him to be a kind
friend, willing to do almost anything to help his friends. His looks
are average, but he is a great listener, and can be trusted with any
Online on: ICQ: 17580416.
Out of character:
In real life, "Taiho" (not his human name) is identical to all of the
above stats (except for the stuff about being a canid morph.)
Instead, the real-life Taiho thinks that he might simply be a canid
sentience trapped in a human body, with hybrid emotions, but he is
not totally sure what to think, so he is currently "soul-searching"
and re-evaluating himself to find more answers as to who and what
he really is. All day long, he walks around barefoot as much as
possible, but when he has to go to shopping, he has to wear
shoes. Stores do not usually allow him to walk around barefoot.
TR Wolf (www)
In character:
A young anthro grey wolf with bright eyes and a fun smile, wears normal
clothing, has a silver anklet on the left ankle and a gold earstud in the
left ear, he also always wears a necklace of a blocky red 'R' in a gold
circle. His strong green eyes stand out the most. He's a lot of fun, as he's
lively and outgoing and has a very theatrical flair. He is always happy to
make new friends. Mated to Squire, a snow leopard.
Online on:
AIM: TRWoif,
ICQ: 76683556,
Furnet: TR_Wolf (#NorthUKFurs and #UK),
Yahoo: tr_wuff,
Furcadia: TR-Wolf
Out of character:
19 year old male living in Northern England. Only wears shoes on going out,
will spend most time indoors barefoot out of comfort above most reasons. He
also has an interest in paws on somewhat of a more intimate way but we wont
go into that ;) He is as in character, very outgoing and fun, and always
willing to make new friends. He's very tactile and theatrical, has a strong
interest in musical theatre, and is happily mated to his boyfriend Squire :)
Both in and out of character has a preference to clean, nicely kept feet
with short claws. Pride in appearance of feet should be high ^_^
unci (www)
In character:
unci is a four-legged snow leopard, mostly like any normal snow
leopard, with big blue eyes, very soft white fur with grey and black
spots and a long tail. He mostly pads around on four paws, but can
also stand on hys hindlegs. He is a fluff, i e it is impossible to
find out hys sex without getting too close. He doesn't wear
any clothes, being well enough protected from hys fur.
Online on: various MUCKs, most frequently FurryMUCK and Furscape, as well as
FurNet. If you can't
catch hym, please send e-mail to
and TigerMUCK.
Out of character:
unci's player, born 1970, lives in central
Europe. He sometimes draws
Willis Gemini
In character:
Hi my name is Willis Gemini, im a male 1.753 m Red/white/black Anthro Fox who is 17
years of age, currently living in st. alberta, canada. I have digitigrade
hindpaws, a bushy tail and very paw like hands. I'm fun loving and always ready
for a laugh and also im a Brit.
Online on: Msn (Gun_Sniper14 at,
AOL (LW FireFox),
Yahoo (Cornaria2003) and
Furnet (Willis The Fox).
Out of Character:
I'm simply the same as my in character except the fact i'm (sadly not) an Anthro.
I enjoy going barepawed in the summer when it has been raining, but the winter is
definetly out (-30 burns). I enjoy walking everywhere and anywhere.
Wolf Who Runs with the Shadows
In character:
Wolf Who Runs with the Shadows has another name that only a select few will
know. He is a wild native werewolf roaming the forests. Although he appears
fierce and savage in nature, in reality he is a kind gentle wolf whom enjoys
the simple things in life. He enjoys being around friends and is fiercely
loyal to them. He is also a lone wolf and he wanders a lot, but will always
help out those in need. A rather wild creature and a free spirit, he wears
as little clothing as possible - usually seen only in a loincloth if anything
at all. Being a sensual and spiritual creature, he absolutely HATES any form
of footwear as they rob him of the feel of the earth beneath his bare paws.
To him, shoes are chew toys - and why would anyone wear chew toys on their
feet? If he knows you well enough and knows you wont mind, he will
psychically remove the shoes from a friends feet, sometimes ripping them to
shreds as he believes the earth was meant for bare paws and not shoes.
Out of character:
IRL, I am much like my character in terms of being sensual and spiritual. I
am a Christen whom enjoys the simple pleasure of going barefoot where ever
and when ever I can. Its very important to me as I feel more connected with
my environment when shoeless. If you meet me at a con, chances are you will
see me walking barefoot. My biggest gripe is how badly the American society
seems to oppress those of us that love going barefoot - especially after Sept
11. It's silly and wrong. Living in NY doesn’t help either, but I have been
able to do it a little. I love talking with others and would love to meet up
with another barepawed fur (or any for that matter! Can never have too many
friends!). Please, if you are in the NYC area and enjoy going barefoot-
email me. :)
In character:
Xandri is a tiny fae, about 9 inches tall and not weighing more than a few
ounces. Her waist-length hair flows down her back, a stream of pale
violet swaying behind her. Her skin is smooth and pearlescent in color.
She has high cheekbones and full soft lips, stained burgundy. Her large
deep-violet eyes twinkle with mischief. She is gifted with soft, arched
brows and long lashes. Her delicate pointed ears are pierced numerous
times and decorated in hoops and studs of various sizes. A thick platinum
ring pierces her left brow. Her neck is slim, pale, her shoulders narrow.
She wears a short top and skirt that consists of layers of pastel colored
sheer fabric. Each layer is cut differently and creates an irregular
hemline. She wears several layers, thus keeping her modesty. Her arms
move self-consciously over the smooth skin of her exposed belly, as if to
cover herself. Over her navel is a large intricate tattoo, a mesh of
exotic symbols in violet and navy blue that seem to be entwined by green
to cover herself. Over her navel is a large intricate tattoo, a mesh of
exotic symbols in violet and navy blue that seem to be entwined by green
vines. Her legs are slim and strong; her feet are always bare, around
her left ankle are dozens of thin silver chains. A flame dragon tattoo
wraps around her other ankle; its ruby red eyes almost appear to be
peering forth. Large wispy gossamer wings flutter gently behind her,
ready to zoom into action should she be frightened or startled, providing
her a quick escape.
With an impish, yet timid smile she looks away, slightly nibbling at
her lower lip as a lock of hair slips down over her eyes. She reaches up
and sweeps it back behind an ear and glances about curiously. In the next
moment she is lost in thought, observing someone or something, almost
oblivious to the world around her.
Online on: FurryMUCK
(Say hello and check out her larger form)
Out of character:
I like to keep my RL rather private, but I share much about myself with
friends that I trust. I am a lot like Xandri, playful and silly. I am
female and I live in California. I have been barefoot for most of my
life so it has never been a big deal to me since it feels natural. I
would go barefoot everywhere were it not deemed "inappropriate" in most
public places that I unfortunately have to venture to from time to
time. I find joy in wandering about shoeless, feeling the grass under my
toes, the cool tiles, warm concrete and mud, mmmm. Yummy. And yes, you
can go barefoot and still have pretty feet.
art by Onyx